The Dreams of EBKILFGN

An Allegory About Consciousness

By Steven R. Tonsager

The Tales of EBKILFGN

An Allegory About Enlightenment

By Steven R. Tonsager

The Return of EBKILFGN

An Allegory About Permanence

By Steven R. Tonsager

The Powers of Attention Attraction and Intention in Field Control Therapy:

A Practitioners Perspective

By Steven R. Tonsager

Intention Based Field Resonance Testing: 

 The Power of the Whisper

By Steven R. Tonsager

Based Field Resonance Testing:

The Magnification of the Whisper

By Steven R. Tonsager

Intention Based Field Resonance Testing:

The Geometry of the Whisper 

By Steven R. Tonsager

Science and Human Transformation:   

Subtle Energies Intentionality and Consciousness

By William A. Tiller, Ph.D.

Psychoenergetic Science: 

A Second Copernican Scale Revolution

 By William A. Tiller, Ph.D.

Bridging Science and Spirit  The Genius of William A. Tillers Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine

By Nisha J. Manek, MD

Letting Go The Pathway of Surrender

By David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

The Map of Consciousness Explained                                    A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential

By David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Good-Bye Germ Theory:

Ending a century of medical fraud

by Dr. William P Trebing

Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness

by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD

The Healing Power of Water

by Masaru Emoto

Intention Based Field Resonance Testing:

The Karmic Portrait 

By Steven R. Tonsager

Healthy 4 Life . 100 Majestic Drive, Suite 100 . Westby, Wisconsin . 54667 . Office: (608) 634 -4422