
Office Assistant

I came to Healthy 4 Life for concerns about becoming pregnant. My husband & I had been trying to have a baby for over a year without any success. I appreciate being referred to Laura and felt safe with her gentle & knowledgeable approach. She identified a spiritual disconnect with the gift of hope and helped to let go of my past and current doubts and discouragements. Then she found physical conditions limiting my overall endocrine & hormone function in the form of chemicals from prior medications and environmental exposures. There were also findings of needed nutrients to supplement my current diet. I remained faithful to this new and unique way of treatment. To my surprise, before I had even completed the 5-week protocol I discovered I was pregnant! Both my husband and I are extremely grateful for Laura, this holistic, natural approach & especially creating a healthy environment to carry a child within. Thank you!


I had been a previous client of Laura's for about a year when it was determined that I needed to have knee replacement surgery due to years of chronic wear of the knee joint. I was nervous about the pending surgery & especially about my history of medication side effects. Laura was able to test for these concerns & created coherency with several medications, including the anesthesia before the surgery and prepared me mentally and emotionally for success and healing. After the surgery, Laura removed any unwanted effects including a majority of the pain I was experiencing from the surgical trauma and created healing remedies. The home protocols are easy, and I followed them consistently. I am now fully recovered and feeling better than ever. My doctors were impressed with how fast I recovered, and I do believe it is thanks to this form of treatment that strengthened and supported me through the process, as I have had other surgeries in the past and not recovered this easily or quickly- and I am older now. I recommend this form of care to all my family and friends, especially anyone considering or needing surgery for any reason.

College Student

I came to Healthy 4 Life for anxiety and depression. I had been on previous medications for years but was tired of feeling numb to life and stopped taking them 1 year prior to my first visit at Healthy 4 Life. I found Laura's approach to be soft but direct. The findings of physical & emotional traumas from my past were brought up in such a way that I was able to see them in a different light. The treatment brought me to such a relaxing and peaceful state, which I can't say that I ever recall having felt that calm. I made a promise to myself right then and there that if I could feel this way here, I could develop the skills or mindset to feel at peace as much as possible. Laura created a home going protocol that I devoted myself to twice a day. I have been experiencing less anxiety and when I do have anxiety I am able to embrace it, identify with it and readily let it go. Returning to the peaceful calm state is really something new for me, but I am doing it and it is getting easier with practice. I have learned through this experience that everything I was experiencing physically was closely related if not due to the inner turmoil I was holding onto inside. Thank you for this beautiful practice and gift of release and peace. My family and friends are in awe of how my outlook on life has changed and they even say I look radiant too!

Registered Nurse

I was referred to Laura by a friend of a friend of mine for my allergy symptoms. I have suffered with allergies since childhood and often have head & sinus pain. The symptoms fluctuated between constant drainage with frequent sneezing, watery eyes and throat drainage with chronic sore throats & cough to sinus, nasal & chest congestion. I am really impressed with the systematic way Laura uses informational vials to determine which allergens were most detrimental for me then was able to provide in-appointment treatment at the first appointment and a created a home protocol that I followed consistently. I am now free of the many allergies that used to plague me, including my allergies to my own dogs. I feel wonderful being outdoor & pet allergy free! I highly recommend this form of treatment for lasting results.

Retired Veteran & Retired Farmer

I came to Healthy 4 Life for chronic sinusitis, arthritis as in locked joints and disabling pain. I was very skeptical but willing to try anything. After my first appointment I was able to begin exercising my right shoulder, which had been unusable. The increase in range of motion is incredible with much less pain. I consider this almost miraculous improvement, as I was unable to use this shoulder for many years. After an injury to my right wrist over 15 years ago it developed into incapacitating arthritis. Since the first appointment the swelling went down, and I have inexplicable improvement in range of motion with less pain. I also have been experiencing increased sinus drainage for the last 7 years and since seeing Laura it has significantly reduced, less dry cough and generally clearer breathing. I am impressed and thankful with these results.

Home Executive & Master Educator

In my 30’s, I began suffering with a lot of joint pain. As the years progressed, the pain became debilitating. I saw many doctors and specialists. I underwent many tests and spent thousands of dollars to be told that nothing could be found….and that maybe I was “imagining the pain”. I started developing autoimmune diseases. Eventually, I was diagnosed with cancer. Following the cancer, I kept developing recurrent infections. I was struggling with food allergies to the point of having a hard time finding food I could eat. I tried to eat healthy, live healthy, but no matter what I did I could not become healthy.

Then I went to see Laura. It was then that my life began to change. She has been able to find some of the root causes of my struggles...toxins, heavy metals, EMF exposure, elemental deficiencies, incoherence, etc. She recommended vitamins and supplements that my body needed for support. My infections stopped and my autoimmune diseases have gone in remission. I’m eating almost all food groups again. I’m able to do physical work and be active with my children. I’ve been given back my life again. Laura has been a true blessing and I am so THANKFUL to God for sending her to me.

Insurance Agent

I had been battling Lyme Disease for 6 years. The pain, fatigue and health issues had gotten so bad that it destroyed my career. The Lyme was affecting me throughout my body, but more importantly it had gotten in my heart and was giving me heart pain and much distress. It was a very gentle yet thorough testing and treatment, far more detailed than I ever received at my many western medicine doctor’s appointments. Laura was able to tell me what I was in fact feeling and where inside my body was affected along with nutrient deficiencies that she was able to clear up. Along with that she found a severe allergy that I had that was also affecting my health, which then was corrected. Her testing showed infinitely more than any blood test I had every received. Within days of my first treatment, I was at long last able to exercise and workout again. It felt amazing. After my 2nd treatment she was able to go in a little deeper and fine tune my health issues and more fully clear out the Lyme. For my 3rd treatment she was able to resolve the allergy and again address nutrient deficiencies by addressing my gut health to better absorb nutrients and help stabilize my health. I now have a new career; I exercise regularly and feel like a new person.


I am a happy client of Laura’s and I also referred people to Laura. The people I referred are super happy with the results. I would say that healing in this fashion may result in temporary increase in symptoms as the body heals but these are short lived and worth it. I've learned a lot from Laura even though I am a chiropractor of many years. I would say the best result so far is a decrease in stress hormones such that my atrial fibrillation is much better and I do not need to take my metoprolol as often...such a great gift!

Main Symptoms: Eye hematomas

I came to find Laura at Healthy 4 Life through prayer. I am not one to go to pharmaceutical doctors, and when I started getting blood bursts in my left eye weekly, I decided to make some serious phone calls. After the frequency treatments that issue, and other issues have cleared. - Paulette


I had Lyme’s disease for about 10 years for which I saw other holistic doctors. My symptoms would lessen for a while then come back. Before I came to Healthy 4 Life I had low energy, muscle pain, difficulty sleeping, fatigued easily and often without doing anything physically, brain fog, poor memory, difficulty breathing. I was having debilitating migraines. After my first session I had great improvement. The testing is gentle and relaxing. Laura is calming and discussed and helped me become aware of how non-physical imbalances were having a negative impact on me. This type of care really focuses on me as a whole person, not just parts or areas of my body. My treatments have benefited not only me but my husband and children -more than anything else. I am so thankful! -LM

Registered Dietician, Author & Speaker

I highly recommend Healthy 4 Life with Laura! My first session was very thorough and revealed several areas needing attention. I was totally relaxed the entire time, as Laura did her assessment. She clearly explained the results and the best way to resolve them. I am so happy to finally discover the cause of my autoimmune issues, instead of just taking medication for the rest of my life.

Massage Therapist

I recommend this miracle work because of how holistic this service is. IBFRT is asking what the body wants in one of the most direct yet gentle ways there is, and the feeling of finally listening to your body will never leave your heart space.

Accounting Executive

I had Lyme’s disease which I initially sought natural treatment with magnetic therapy. This helped me feel better for a while but then I started not feeling well again. My lymphs and muscles ached, right side of my face was numb, and my concentration, memory and energy all tanked. Three forms of tick-borne bacteria were found and the treatments have relieved me of my symptoms! I have much more energy to do things I need to do and enjoy time with my family. -MS

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Healthy 4 Life . 100 Majestic Drive, Suite 100 . Westby, Wisconsin . 54667 . Office: (608) 634 -4422